Yesterday morning I woke up feeling entirely rested and rejuvenated after falling asleep at 9:00 the night before! (There is totally something to this getting a good night of sleep thing!!!) So as I am walking out of my dorm building I see my friends Kira, Rose and Marty running past. Marty has a camera. "Penguins!" they yell, "come on!" This is 7:10 a.m. and I have to be to work by 7:30. I toss the idea of skipping it to be on time for work, eat breakfast etc... and proceed to toss my backpack and heavy Carhartt jacket on the side of the road chasing after them. WE jog all the way down to Hutt Point which is probably only a .5 mile away and run up over the little ridge to see... a family of about 30 Adelie Penguins!
They were all sitting next to the opening in the sea ice while a seal swam near by in the water. It was a magnificent moment and a wonderful way to start the day. Being witness to such wild beauty here is such a blessing and one of the reasons I love working in Antarctica.

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